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Sunday, December 6, 2009

nope this post is not about me having alot of free time..but instead, I feel so liberated and free...free from my own negative beliefs, thoughts...and I find that I'm happy when I'm alone, when I'm with my family or with friends..everything makes me happy although there are rollercoaster rides sometimes..but I just feel grateful and contented..

For the first time, I understood the consequences of asking too many 'why' (questions)....now what I'll do is say Thanks for letting me experience this..I keep saying thanks..and each day I improve myself and overcome all negative feelings and FEAR!...

I don't feel like breaking down so often...which is good..and I just confide in my heart or with someone who understands..seek opinions from learned person who knows the subject really well....I'm no longer afraid but instead always ready to face new experiences...reality and opportunities..=) Thanks God, Thanks to myself (for not being so stubborn) and thanks Everyone! who have made this CHANGE (which I've been asking for so long) possible!

The Beauty of NATURE
12/06/2009 12:08:00 PM
Friday, November 20, 2009

I was at my desk checking my emails, finishing my report and playing some games, when I felt my chair was wet. I urinated without feeling anything. Well, the injury at my spine really weakens my pelvic area.

So, I think I should go and try out some exercise that can help strengthen the muscles.

Hmmm...I hope I'll get well soon.

=)))) Fighting!

The Beauty of NATURE
11/20/2009 05:06:00 PM
Thursday, November 19, 2009

hmm..life has been so hard on me after IAP started...

to be honest I'm still traumatized by the whole experience...It was shocking to get a dose of reality, where the adult world is so ugly, filled with lies, betrayal, deceit, jealousy and backstabbing.

First week of IAP was hell, no one was there to guide and assist me..I'm supposed and expected to be a ready-made worker who knows exactly what to do and how the operation runs.

Having to meet and work with an evil supervisor adds up to the misery. I thought I was being too sensitive and then day after day, I realized that I wasn't and the reality was that he's evil.

He cheats workers' money, borrows money or things and never return it back to its rightful owner, irresponsible, never own up to his problems, scolds, shouts and demoralizes people unneccesarily(including myself), expects people to worship and show him respect, refuses to touch horticultural waste, exploit and make use of people to carry out his evil deeds like signing forms which involves deducting workers' salaries, in short he's a two-faced snake that seriously needs one big strike of lightning to his head.

There are a few instances where we had a big argument and he was not happy with me, he tried to knock me down with his lorry, but thank God, I managed to escape.

Every single day, I was forced to do sanitation works instead of horticultural works. I did not get to touch, grow and smell plants, all I got was to smell stinking, rotten food leftovers, collect garbage around Botanic Gardens, pick up cigarette buds, sweet wrappers, food packaging filled with crawling,big, black ants and other human waste. That itself was a culture shock to me. But, I refused to think negatively about this, I keep telling myself that I'm doing this for Singapore, I'm keeping my home clean, I'm doing a good deed for each day; and so I endured the hardship for more than a month (30 painful days).

There were moments I got into big fights and arguments with him, and debated the issue with the bosses, but they were of no help either. Yes, they gave me a promotion of Assistant Manager, a higher rank but without much authority (Just to show they want to help me, train me up and get me out of the sticky situation). It was a whole lot of crap and lies again. I was actually pushed down a deep ocean without safety jackets and oxygen tanks to sustain me.

All the resources I need to arrange cleaning works for the gardens was contantly sabotaged by the evil snake. Everyday I was drowning and calling out for help, but I didn't get any help, support and resources from the HQ. In fact the boss told me to collaborate and co-operate with him. Half the time I can't even understand what he's talking about and most of the time he will act on his own.

Internal issues are already a big mess and external issues are much worse also, clients are already a handful and some are unreasonable, demanding, arrogant and not really smart to begin with.

I love to eavesdrop so I was lucky enough to get to hear this statement made by a head section of the Botanic Gardens:

' Can you pull the orchids and make it larger?' (a colleague of mine said, wow, we don't need breast implants or enlargement pills, everything can simply be big and large with just one pull, ROFL)
' I want jetwashing works to start at 6pm, if contractors can change orchids at 6pm, I don't see why you can't carry out jetwashing works'

'Can you employ workers who are like monkeys, fast and can jump here and there, run up and down' (Sure, there loads of them in the rainforest, you don't have to look far, its just at Bukit Timah, haahah)

The clients were so fixated on the past, they don't see the now. Everything must be like last time, last time, who the hell knows what the garden was like the last time. haha! But, I'm pretty sure the garden still survives with or without us.

My heart laughed at the same time cried, Jetwashing works is a dangerous process where visibility needs to be effective at all times, changing orchids and jetwashing are two different things and have different risk levels. God, why are Singaporeans so dumb, selfish and love to play God.

My workers get into trouble for having water breaks, the Assistant Director of the gardens always make unfair judgements to my workers. He's been sitting in an air-conditioned room for half a day, not knowing what people have been doing outside (digging, planting, shedding blood, tears and sweat) so, when he comes out once in a while and happens to see the worker standing, resting and catching his breath he made a lot of noise and kick up a fuss.

This is another fellow who needs a strike of lightning to his head.

Hey, even visitors who don't do hard labour, wants to rest their tired feet and sit on the park benches.

Well, I'm basically pouring my heart out, because I can see that Singaporeans won't go far if all they care about is money and fame. From my point of view, many of us put ourselves first and we always miss the bigger picture.

I think this whole 2 1/2 months experience has really changed me, a bit traumatized still, but I'm pretty sure I'll become a better person, who manages people very well and don't need to use harsh tones and sarcastic words to get things done.

I raise my hands to the sky and feel so grateful that God allowed me to see this side of the world and at the end of the day, I'm still the cheerful me who knows and understands a little bit more than some others, and yes, I've already share it here for all to ponder and get some strength to move on in life.

I'm truly grateful to have met nice people like Uncle Lee, our foreman, An Ting my senior cum colleague, my bangladeshi workers, my local aunties and uncles, Landscape Technicians: Mr Heng, Maran, Cik Mail, Cik Aminah, Cik Syidah, Boon Chuan and Cik Ali.

Thank you for making my days at BG a bearable one. Mr Heng, I sure am gonna miss the bus rides we used to have together. Take care...hopefully u'll find a loving wife soon that will care for you until the end of time. Maran, gdluck finding ang moh girls, hopefully you won't be so lonely. BC, all the best with life, jia you!....Cik Mail, sorry I can't listen to your whinings anymore abt our infamous BG Manager (hahah).

Thanks to my family, Hong Yi, Nisa, Dr Koh, Ms Kan, Mr Chow, Dr Chitra, Mr Dhanen for all your support. Sorry to have made everyone worry.=S.. I'm recovering pretty well from the injury...(long hours of walking, non-stop) =)

The Beauty of NATURE
11/19/2009 03:59:00 PM
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hey all...here's the yearbook I've designed. But it will not be used because Kavidha will come up with something better....=)

The Beauty of NATURE
10/03/2009 04:01:00 PM
Sunday, September 27, 2009

hahha!!thanks to Nisa...she and her creative juices revamped the old boring layout of this blog...into this beautiful layout...thanks dearie!!!haha!

Alright....to tell you the truth life hasn't been quite the same...after starting IAP it was indeed an eye opener for me...I witnessed so many 'dark' things, like people mistreat people, power play, internal politics, betrayal and arrogance.

I trust myself when I say, school can only equip you with a set of knowledge and skills, however, school itself would never teach us about life. It's not even part of any syllabus. Lecturers always tell us the good stuff, things we want to hear, but I honestly feel that they should be honest and tell students the truth of what to expect in working life. They should share with students how people lost their innocence and become arrogant and start to take control and make other people's life miserable.

How people suck up to superiors to gain favour and to get promoted faster. Did I hear any lecturer telling me this...NO!..honestly NO!...most I heard was that...'Oh, the prospect of horticultural industry is very bright and promising!' yeah right!

All this career talks and cadetship crap..was really an advertisement...what goes on behind the scenes to strive for greenery excellence was not beautiful at all. People shed tears, sweat, blood, time and many had to make sacrifices in order to maintain the so-called high standards of the park or garden.

Yet, these are the people who are being looked down upon, poorly paid and their efforts were never appreciated.

I think its a great lesson for me, I'm being reminded so that wherever I go, wherever I will be, whatever I achieve would mean nothing if I stop listening, if I stop asking, if I stop smiling, if I start putting myself first, if I forget how to walk on the ground and smell the roses and earth.
Something I learnt: Always put others first before yourself!

I really hate what I'm seeing right now, and maybe because I'm a perfectionist and have the tendency to hope that other people can see what I'm seeing...but I forgot they too have imperfections and they too are forgetful. Sooner or later they'll still need to learn what they have to learn. I can't learn it for them. I'm grateful God, let me understand this and gave me the awareness so I would not commit the same sins.

So, I will strive to survive and learn as much as possible during these 6 mths internship. I will definitely become a person who is more aware and very sharp in detecting cunning people that's always taking the easy way out and sucking up to superiors and making other people's lives miserable in order to achieve their goals.

The Beauty of NATURE
9/27/2009 05:06:00 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

haha!another outing with my dudes...this time its at snow city! well, out of 4 people, I'm the only one who haven't feel and play with snow..Jakon...(country bumpkin, again)

so, the photos below will share with you about our adventure for the day... enjoy the tour....

Yay....I was very excited to see snow...and guess what someone's also so geared up until she can't keep still and started dancing..is that a chicken dancing?

Hoho....after renting the jackets, gloves and boots we snugged into these thick, heavy jackets in the dressing room. And all of us look like chubby, cute pandas..including Hong Yi..ahahah...Don't you think so....?

Here comes the snow....brrrrrr..!!!FREEZING!!!!...we paid a visit to our dearest friends the Eskimos...ohhh I was hoping to see penguins all around and geez...there weren't any except for the children's playground which is strictly for children...cis!

HOHOHO!!!!Welcome to our hut!!! This is what I call FROZEN SMILE...my lips cracked, my lungs suffocated with cold air and my whole body went super dry...but it was fun...Snowball Fighting was the BEST!!!hahaahah!

And FINALLY!!!JENG JENG JENG!!!WE CONQUERED EVEREST!!! believe it or not..all four of us conquered everest...mcm ya ya la gitu (yeah right).....

After half an hour of winter wonderland, we couldn't stand the cold any longer...(it was -7 degree celsius...they are crazy...) we proceed to Science Centre...there was a Math exhibition going on..so, I present to you Mr.Maths Universe..!! wait wait a second...Mr. Math???hmmm...Nisa you are female..you can never be Mr...ahahhaah!

ehem...ehem....someone's tempted to win big bucks I see....ahahhaah! woi...haram..woi...haram...jgn main judi..(gambling is sinful)

ENEMY AT THE GATES!!!!!FIGHT!!!BOOM!BOOM!...I thought World War II was wayyyy over....guys...BE NICE! Stop fighting, can?!

Oh...after a long day....we chilled out at Nisa's place..Ohhhh..My Cik Ana was super nice...she made delicious noodles for our hungry stomach!...yummy! And we met Ekhsan!!!Cute little boy!!!...Hong Yi stop molesting the boy...leave him alone!ahhaahhaah!!!

Ok..that's about it...hope you enjoyed the adventure..C u nxt time!!

The Beauty of NATURE
6/16/2009 08:30:00 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009

hey folks..! some photos to share from a field trip we had on Thursday, 14th of June 09... enjoy!

Welcome folks, to FORT CANNING PARK! It's my first time here so...ahahah..a bit 'Jakon' (country bumpkin)

We were led straight to the black box. A small lecture theatre where we were given an introduction to the place and also briefed about future plans to improve FCP.

And of course, Melanie and her cute little pose....she's feeling bored...poor thing...

Some of the attractions in Fort Canning Park...A culinary school...hmmm..of all places why must it be this haunted piece of land...I wonder...tak takot hantu raya ke?mana tau skali2 balik cari makan...opocot...terkejot! (aren't they afraid of ghosts stealing food?..hahaha)

They also have empty halls for members of the public to rent it and organize their events here in Fort Canning Park. The fee is from $600 and above...
equipment, security, food and beverages not included...ahaha!

Another significant event being held here is the SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL
WOODCARVING SYMPOSIUM...apo bonde tuh?(I'm clueless)
I think its an event where artists use old stumps or dead trees and make something out of it and then call it an ART.

Oh yes, this creepy carvings is a mural that commemorates the Majapahit civilization that established in the early days of Singapore. You know Parameswara?? yup..that guy and his people came to Singapore and settled here...

Ohhohoho...Mr Spiky here, is a cotton tree...according to the tour guide, this tree is a hang out and chill out spot for the PONTIANAKS(female ghosts who died during labor)!heeeeheeee! I gulped and quickly made my move...100km/h..zoom!
This tree was cultivated because of its value, cotton is a booming business back then.

ahhhhh....what's Fort Canning Park without a Fortress, right??? So, tada!
A Fortress left behind by the British Army during World War II. It's more than 100 years old, if I heard the tour guide correctly.

Behind the giganormous, black door of the fortress there lies another secret route that leads to the top of the fortress...my God! I was trembling, because the entrance was really squeezy, I'm claustrophobic...so congrats to me..I made it back home, still living..ahaha!
I remembered, I practically screamed at the tour guide, because he joked about locking the gate after everyone climbed up...ahhaha! I was really freaked out!

From the eyes of a national hero....
Thanks for making Singapore a nice place to live in..
So, that's the end of my tour...hope you guys enjoyed it..!

The Beauty of NATURE
6/14/2009 08:33:00 PM




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