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Sunday, December 24, 2006

To all who are celebrating this Season.....I wish all of u....

A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!!

May God Showers His Deepest Love On All Of Us!!!!


okies...Happy Holidays, Thanks for visiting...

The Beauty of NATURE
12/24/2006 10:04:00 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006

This is one of my favourite quotes...it goes like this
"The world says that hearts are crazy, but hearts that are filled with love say the world is crazy"

fuhh...Life takes u in a thrilling, shocking and sometimes, exciting journey. It sometimes put u on wings of storm...and make u feel traumatised, and make u feel lousy and u just want to give everything up....I feel that way...but I know hating myself aren't going to solve anything..

there are so many things to learn...but in the process of learning u make mistakes...and people ard u just makes it harder for u...y?becoz they dun give a chance and expect results and expect u to be perfect always..geez...only God and true frens will guide u through.....haiz
but there's the challenge...what's life without few dragons...hahaa..we must challenge ourselves and keep trying...NEVER GIVE UP!...if u think u got problems just think abt others??? they have bigger ones...only Love can give us a new pair of eyes...gosh...sharing this makes me feel a lot better...

I just wanna make a difference...I want to try to be a better person...strong in mind and calm at heart...I wanna accept things in a positive point of view...because wen u do that u feel like u r in heaven...but if u look at a negative point of view...u feel rotten as if u r rotting in hell...hehe

okies..anyway...New Years Day is coming..so must make new resolutions and achieve it one step at a time....it's ok to laugh at urself sumtimes...coz we r all learning...so, make the learning process fun...okies..gtg...wanna watch PB

The Beauty of NATURE
12/21/2006 07:19:00 PM
Saturday, December 9, 2006

ahhaahha...went to see my doctor yesterday, and he said I've got gas problems which leads to gastric and on set to become gastric flu...hahhah...the reason because I ate too much and most dishes I ate are spicy stuff...so be careful when dealing with food...

So now, I can only eat soup, veggie and fruits..geez...no spice...no kick....haiz...but nvm maybe I can bake small cupcakes or apple muffin....so that I can eat during breakfast....in some ways sweet things sweeten ur life a bit huh...

Okies, gtg, gotta run a few errands....adios amigos....thnx for dropping by though

The Beauty of NATURE
12/09/2006 01:22:00 PM
Thursday, December 7, 2006

hahaha....christmas is on its way already..can't wait to share the joy...(jgn lah gejoloh kan...date baru brape haribulan)....kihkih

Ok...today Wentworth is going to make an appearance on my TV...in Prison Break...here we r a bit slow...coz still stuck at season 1....good thing there's YouTube...haha...today's ep will be about him swimming around in shorts...dunno wat he's doing...but must admit the writers are freaking clever...there's enough suspense to make my heart jump and beat 1000x faster...

So, when is the DVD coming out..no idea...it's out but it's in code 1...geee...EXPENSIVE...(pokai kocek)...anyway...I haven't paid a visit to PP...to check out any cool ex-rental movies...weeee..syiok2...got loads of good movie with affordable price....

Rites, gtg, I'll post again later tonight...oh yah to English readers I apologize if u dun understand some of the things I wrote coz it's in my language...Thanks for dropping by though...

The Beauty of NATURE
12/07/2006 12:54:00 PM
Wednesday, December 6, 2006

hehehe...after coming back from sending the presents...I felt like eating sweet things...like Kueh2..and cakes (tk kisah asalkan manis..kihkih)

So dropped by Begawan Solo, and grabbed a few delicious cakes....and now I wanna go and rest....and btw

For English readers I apologize if u can't read some of the things I wrote...coz it's in my language..

Thanks for reading....I'll continue later tonight....

The Beauty of NATURE
12/06/2006 02:49:00 PM
Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Geez...life is very taxing sometimes... so cruel..cried a lot yesterday...coz if u live in a shit hole too long you feel like shit...hehehe....
worst I'm having gastric flu...the cramps the aches..GOSH!...God knows...

hehehe...but still I'm quite energetic to complete some chores today...like buying my girls birthday presents....the eldest will be getting a Tea Party Set..and the youngest will be getting a "Lets Be Creative with Beads" set....I'm sure they'll have fun playing and sharing with each other...Wishing Them All The Best in Life....

Okies, shopping for gifts is the most fun thing to do....although u dun have much in hand but still if it is 4 someone u love...u'll sacrifice anything...heeee...

My sis was in a panic mode...so she can't stop worrying abt whether we'll be able to get the gifts...hahaha....our last stop and our SAVIOUR was a warehouse sale @ Expo...that surely saved our day...ahhaha....

We took about an hour to search for gifts but most of the time we drool over beautiful handbags, shoes, sunglasses, fashion, accessories, toiletries bla bla...
nothing about toys at all...hahhaa...women...always fall into temptation...hey but we r smart shoppers too...ehehehe...luckily the place wasn't so crowded today..we didn't have to queue up at all...Then, had a bite of warm waffles and a cup of corn...and went straight home...

Now, I'm so relieved and tired...wrapped the presents already and ready for delivery....
weee..yay yay....ok folks time to go....

Bye....hope u have a nice time reading....

The Beauty of NATURE
12/05/2006 09:55:00 PM

Weee... hehehe...dunno y...but here's the story, after hearing various songs from different singers from all countries...suddenly I kinda miss Tan Sri P.Ramlee's songs...heeeee...the melody and lyrics just mesmerized me...and wants me to listen more and more..over and over again...weee...it's true...

Not only that, I have actually fallen in love with Malay Wedding songs, sung by M.Daud Kilau, Anita Sarawak,...dun mind me...because I love music...and I'm going very traditional....okies people...gtg....if u have questions abt Malay songs...just message me @ aishahsponge@yahoo.com ..I'll be glad to help...

The Beauty of NATURE
12/05/2006 09:37:00 PM




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