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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today is soooo fun...because we got a chance to handle a changkol...although I didn't have the mood to go on a changkolling spree...but anyways...my partner for the day is Alicia...and she had this craze or I should say interest in collecting earthwormzzz..yupppp...twiggle twiggle and wriggle wriggle..
haha..I touched these guys with bare hands ok...and they feel sooo cool and gooey...haha
Then, later that day....we had our first hydroponics prx lesson although they were some hiccups before the lesson started..haha!Mel was my partner...and guess what we sowed? Mel's "most favourite plant": SWEET BASIL!

Mel, hold them properly ah....hehe!nice handwriting btw...=D

After sowing those lovely seeds....we soaked them in water at the Greenhouse(I'm not sure what they called it..hydroponics room????:-S

Happy growing, my little seedlings..heeee

Dr.Greg gave us a tour and advice abt these activities...we had to do something very interesting...jeng jeng

Mummy! Today, teacher taught us how to do spring cleaning...see, I know how to hold a broom..

More pix....

An absolute beauty(I'm talking about the lady on your right)=D

Me and Lai Ying

Yup...and the fun had to end...soo soon..haiz...I had great fun learning with them...we laughed, smiled, frowned, cried, yelled (yes she practically screamed when she found out she was standing next to a basil plant *GRINS* and ran away)

The Beauty of NATURE
10/28/2007 12:18:00 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Being forgetful at young age....whose fault is it???HAHA!is it the vitamins that I haven't been taking or I'm just getting old..or maybe my mind is scattered in themebuck two..thats y it can't come back...

Here are the few things I forgot to do this week:

1) First in the list, I bought a gift for Gillian for her birthday and I forgot although I met her several times this week.
2) I was given a project and I had done it but I forgot to attach the documents.
3) I forgot what I wanted to write here...never mind...

Haha!I'm quite relieved though because G01 went out to Bras Basah Complex to shop for some art stuffs for Landscape Design lesson..but sadly the cost of the stuff burnt several holes in my pocket..not mine actually my parents'....felt bad though, they worked so hard to earn them and suddenly whoosh gone!

Anyway, God Bless them!

Ok....I'm gonna store all my cookies and I'm off to bed!

Bye!Thanks for visiting!

The Beauty of NATURE
10/18/2007 11:48:00 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Yay!hari raya is here..*dances* baked 9 types of cookies....because I'm a cookie monster....

Waited for frens to show up at my door..but sadly they didn't..nvm...and school is starting...yay!got Gillie a nice bdae gift..not much but it came frm my heart...that's more important...
hmm...ate a lot of lodeh, ketupat, and other stuffs....haha..my tummy's full so I wanna go n relax n watch tv...spending the last bits of my precious holiday...yay!


The Beauty of NATURE
10/13/2007 08:56:00 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007

Gosh! I can't believe it I cried in front of the TV screen..goodness.....haha....well I was following this malay drama very closely...and true it's a very good one which deserves an award...
the story is basically like this..a single, lonely orphan married a rich man and had 3 kids. But, the marriage didn't get an approval from the man's mom. So, on a fateful night her husband was framed for drug trafficking... she loved him and her children so much she sacrificed herself by taking the blame and was sentenced to life imprisonment...

the story touched me soooo deep because I can't imagine how great the power of love is...there is no mathematical calculations for it...there are no science explanations for it..and yet it exists in everyone of us...and I just don't know how many wonderful things it can do to mankind...the love between a man and a woman., the love between a parent and child, the love between friends and people ard us..sometimes the journey of loving someone needs sacrifices, pain, suffering, disappointment and tears. But, faith is the one that keeps us going and in fact encouraging us to keep loving and keep burning the dying out flames in our hearts...marvellous...

However, love is just a word. People just use it like any other word in the dictionary, without understanding the meaning of it or how to use it, more importantly how to say it. It's easy to fall in love and it's easy to fall out of love. Every minute people tend to change spouses or partners like it's not a big deal. All the vows and promises are so brittle that pieces of it pricks the wounded hearts. All sacrifices, words of love, memories are gone, soared high above the sky never to be seen or heard again. Hope is still there I guess.. I'm just hoping that all couples out there will realize this, no matter how bad your spouse can be, you were the one who made the choice to spend the rest of your life with him/her. So, the best way is to give and take, let love do it's work and wonder...if you love that someone with a sincere heart you can mask off the imperfections and besides imperfections are like thumbprints their unique in everyway. ;D Think about it!Thanks for visiting!

The Beauty of NATURE
10/08/2007 02:10:00 AM




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