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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Venue: Sentosa Date:15 Feb 2008

It's the Year of The Rat. Yes, the whole place has this Chinese Landscape ambience. All the plants are all the famous plants used during Chinese New Year. heheeheh....and this is a photo of me n my mom at the ENTRANCE of the event.

woooo.....strong rat...big rat....yes I gotta admit these statues of the rats are quite eerie looking...:-S

LOOK AT THEM!!! SOOO CUTE!!!!.....animals are well-known to have big happy families....KAWAII neh..?

After a tiring loooonnngggg walk, we found shade under a bamboo tree...it felt like home, a Chinese home...so fun!!

YUMMY!!!!A GIGANORMOUS PINEAPPLE! purple pineapple????????hmmmm....it seems like both of us are guarding the pineapple...from what? birds??insects???

A bridge...a bridge..yippeee...we found a bridge...alamak too bad if I got a boyfren it'll be sooo romantic...but now with mom..cannot...haha!!!

My dad took a photo from top view...notice the scenery...it's just superbly beautiful....=D

Tada....a proud merlion and a proud trio...standing tall......*Majulah Singapura playing*hahahaha!

Toodles..thank you visitors for reading..hope you enjoyed the journey of going to Sentosa Flowers....!=D=D

The Beauty of NATURE
2/23/2008 11:38:00 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008

So, here's the story...we all board the excursion bus and that same bus zoomed us all here, to West Coast Park. Here we are, checking out the first site to conduct some soil tests...to see whether our good frens(trees, plants etc.) are having a great home..
the weather was indeed very cool, not too piercing hot...it felt like Heaven..wooo I'm surrounded with golden light...
we were waiting for some frens that got lost and they didn't have a clue about our bearings...haha...so we waited..=D

Moving on from one site to another..we spotted this TREE! THE CANONBALL TREE!!BOOM! and here is the photo of it's flower...ain't it pretty people???? hehe...it looks kinda 'out of this world'..alien plant..now, if the plant can read this, I'm sure gonna get it..=D

YES! GROUP PHOTO!!!!!hey...where's me!!oh I forgot I'm behind my camera...I should ask from my teacher to send in this photo with me in it.....ah ha!I spot something....can you all seee????=D

No, my dear blog readers..this time it's not about a forest pixie...it's abt our fren here...CHAO YI!!!!you see....all the preetttyyy girls are on your right..there's no one on the left side of this park..HAHAH!!!ayooo....you ahh....come share with me, who did you see??????ahaha...=D

Last but not least, our physical trainer...Ms Melanie!come on Mel let's work out that fats..FATS?FATS?YOU ARE SLIM! UR FATS LEVEL ARE UNDER CONTROL!...come, get down frm there!...lets go McDonalds!Put in more fats....haahahha,......slim already oso want to exercise...*shake head* tsk tsk tsk......

I had a great day with everyone! It was a pleasant outing...we filled in our empty stomachs with burgers, hashbrowns and other oily stuffs...and went back to school!

hahaha!!!THANK YOU ALL!=D

The Beauty of NATURE
2/17/2008 07:29:00 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008

hellllooo...my dearest readers!!!!long time nooooo seeeee all of u....heheh!well, I've been occupied lately with my Landscape Design Teacher's(Mr.J)(squints eyes n sandwiched lips) work..designing, designing and organizing all the conceptual plans...SIAN!(boring in Chinese)hahaha...

well, for this post I want to share with you some photos of the recent field trips we had for this semester, with Mr.Chow n Cekgu Saiful...hahah..so here's the story....jeng jeng!

Tue, 29 Jan 08

hahaaaaa...can u spot the forest pixie?????....there...there...the one in the middle....hahahah!yes..this time it's my turn to be the forest pixie....popping my head between Lai Ying n Lynn...hahaa...

O_O O_O O_O....PRETTY LADIES!!!!!wooooo!!!haha....so..back to our story...I'm soo distracted..

sharp @ 3pm both classes gathered at Blk 1 to board the excursion bus....and we were actually very dead sleepy coz we just had lunch and very tired....but for the sake of learning..we fought these distractions and continued with the journey...some of us fell asleep in the bus....zzzzzzz...

We took about 45 mins to reach the NEWater Plant...and guess what..Melanie spotted A PINK ANTIQUE CAR!!!hahah..yes..pink...pink is her favourite color...=D I've been there before so basically the place is still the same no change.....they had the same video, same hosts, same games and same goodies(A bottle of NEWater -_-)...*sigh

The only thing I look forward to has always been this....WALKING ON NEWater....someday I'll surely have this in my bungalow...hehehe...hhmmmm...how much do you think it'll cost me?^-^

ROW ROW ROW UR BOAT..GENTLY DOWN THE SINGAPORE 'LONGKANG'..ehhh sorryy sorryyy...RIVER....if a politician sees this..I'm screwed!

HAHAH!!!....got a shot of a tired-looking Mr.Chow and worn out mates....but I should say the trip was fun coz we had each other to make us laugh!

To be continued....next adventure is with Cekgu Saiful...hehe...WEST COAST PARK HERE WE COME!

The Beauty of NATURE
2/10/2008 02:35:00 PM




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